Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I am so shocked that I started this blog! But i am glad just so i can show my work and get feedback just because i need to be more creative. So if by any chance you happen to find me please help me out i would really appreciate it! well i hope to learn more about blogging and get into it! so i want to welcome all of you who decide to follow my blog =]

Also i want to give a special thanks to Molly, Army Wife Learns the Cricut for helping me get started on all of this.



  1. Hi Alexandra! I am following you now! I am a Military wife too, but I'm Marines, but it doesn't matter! My husband is deploying in March, so I know how you feel. My crafting is gonna keep me busy too, I hope! Come check out my blog, I have a few proects on there I have made for his upcoming deployment. I love your cards so far, and can't wait to see what you post next! With Molly's help you'll be a huge with followers soon! I'll post your blog on my facebook! Happy Crafting!


  2. Erin! thanks for following =] and posting my link on your blog! i am already a follower of your cause i found you through Molly already! =] i love the wreath and i want to make one i just want my fiane to send me one of his uniforms lol but tell your husband thanks! =] and it doesnt matter if he is marine or not military is military! =]

    cant wait to see what you create!

  3. Awesome blog. I am also an army wife, and crafting was my go to hobby while my hubby was deployed. It kept my mind off how lonely I was at times. There's nothing better then sending him homemade cards. I did this all the time, and the other day I found a gallon ziploc of them all..My hubby kept every single one of them, that's how much they mean to them. I love your cards, keep on crafting!
